008 Make History Come Alive

This episode of The Intentional Homeschooler argues that history can be a fascinating subject when presented engagingly. Host Erika Sagert discusses the importance of studying history and offers practical tips for homeschooling parents.

Why Study History?
    • Learn from the past (mistakes and successes)
    • Distinguish heroes from villains
    • Understand human nature
    • Develop resilience by appreciating modern conveniences
    • Connect with others
  • Challenges of History Education
    • History revisionism can make it difficult to find reliable sources.
    • Focusing on critical thinking skills to evaluate information takes time.
    • Utilize primary sources (firsthand accounts) for a more objective perspective.
  • Practical Tips for Teaching History
    • Begin with family history: Explore your family's origins to connect history to your students' lives.
    • Use a chronological curriculum: Programs like Veritas Press integrate biblical and ancient history.
    • Make it hands-on: Building timelines, creating projects and cooking historical meals solidify learning.
    • Incorporate multimedia: Utilize biographies, movies, and documentaries alongside traditional textbooks.
    • High School Resources: Consider Dave Raymond's Compass Classroom curriculum, which includes video lectures, primary source readings, and project-based learning.
Action Steps:
Be vigilant in choosing your history resources, focus on the stories within history, and keep learning and engaging through projects and activities.

By incorporating these tips, homeschooling parents can create a love of history in their children, fostering a deeper understanding of the world and themselves.

Links to different curriculum sources mentioned in the episode:
Veritas Press: 
Timeline Figures:
Compass Classroom:

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008 Make History Come Alive
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