005 What About English Curriculum?

Whether you’re a seasoned homeschool mom or just starting, navigating the world of English Language Arts can feel overwhelming. Fear not! I’m here to give you tools, resources, and encouragement for your journey. Today, I will provide some ideas to make English fun and engaging while sparking a love for reading and writing.

Tailor your ELA plan to your child's needs and interests, not a predetermined scope and sequence.
  • Age Group: Kindergarten - Grade 2
    • Focus on fostering a love for language through exploration and discovery.
    • Read aloud extensively.
    • Implement a strong phonics program for reading instruction.
    • Introduce handwriting and proper pencil grip when the child is developmentally ready.
    • Encourage storytelling and verbal development.
    • Limit screen time.

  • Age Group: Grades 3 - 5
    • Prioritize reading instruction until the child becomes a strong reader.
    • Seek help if you suspect learning difficulties like dyslexia.
    • Incorporate a variety of reading materials, including trade books and library resources.
    • Schedule daily quiet reading time.
    • Introduce composition exercises 
    • Add spelling and vocabulary practice 
  • Age Group: Grades 6 - 8
    • Continue to encourage reading with a balance between preferred choices and new genres.
    • Include grammar instruction 
    • Build vocabulary using Greek and Latin roots or based on literature selections.
    • Emphasize writing through various exercises like storytelling, poetry, and essay writing.
  • Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
    • Cover a range of literature, including classic American, British, and World Literature titles.
    • Utilize IEW and Lost Tools of Writing for composition instruction.
    • Explore online resources like Teachers Pay Teachers.
    • Integrate vocabulary development with literature selections.
    • Choose literature that complements history studies whenever possible.
  • Resources mentioned in the podcast:

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005 What About English Curriculum?
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